
Counting down to the New Year with the Louis Vuitton House Secrets honored in 20...

Counting down to the New Year with the Louis Vuitton House Secrets honored in 2014. The crisscross quilting ensures trunk contents to travel in comfort, but the Marvelous Malletage design has become a recurring symbol of Louis Vuitton heritage. http://vuitton.lv/HouseSecret


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Created in the 1980’s, the Epic Epi leather is now a house classic. Learn how t...

Created in the 1980’s, the Epic Epi leather is now a house classic. Learn how this House Secret took on new adventures in 2014 as you count down to the New Year now on http://vuitton.lv/HouseSecret



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The discreet straps that have always adorned the interior of Louis Vuitton trunk...

The discreet straps that have always adorned the interior of Louis Vuitton trunks are forging ties with the present. Learn about these Sacred Ties and all the House Secrets honored in 2014 now on http://vuitton.lv/HouseSecret



【新品同様】LOUIS VUITTONクラッチバッグ 【美品】

ルイ・ヴィトン 2014年 革ブーツ サイズ9 USED

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ルイヴィトン LOUIS VUITTON ヴェルニ ウィルシャー トート

In 2014, Louis Vuitton celebrated the House Secrets: recurring elements of herit...

In 2014, Louis Vuitton celebrated the House Secrets: recurring elements of heritage, savoir faire and design. The Eternal Monogram is the iconic emblem of the House and the most desirable of signatures. http://vuitton.lv/HouseSecret
